James M. Backes

- Professor
- Associate Dean for Clinical and Medical Center Affairs
- Assistant Director Atherosclerosis and LDL-Apheresis Center
- Department of Pharmacy Practice
Contact Info
Medical Center, Kansas City
3901 Rainbow Blvd, MS 4047
Kansas City, KS 66160
Biography —
Jim Backes teaches Pharmacotherapy II. He maintains a practice site at the Atheroscierosis and LDL-Apheresis Center (ALAC), where he serves as preceptor for an ambulatory care advanced pharmacy practice experience clerkship. Within the ALAC, Backes plays an active role in patient care and serves as the principal investigator or co-investigator on multiple clinical trials. His research focus includes the safety and efficacy of lipid-altering agents and limiting the associated adverse events. His previously studied agents include policosanol, almonds, niacin, fibrates, statins (standard and intermittently dosed), apple-pectin, vitamin D, fish oil, krill oil and red yeast rice.
Professional Experience
- University of Kansas School of Pharmacy, Professor
- University of Kansas School of Pharmacy, Associate Dean for Clinical and Medical Center Affairs
- Kansas University Medical Center, Assistant Director Atherosclerosis and LDL-Apheresis Center
- Family Medicine Clinic, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Ambulatory Care Pharmacist
Education —
Teaching —
Courses Taught
- PHPR 647 Pharmacotherapy II
- PHPR 604 Ambulatory Care (Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience)
- PHRM 850 Medical Pharmacology (School of Medicine)
Selected Publications —
Moriarty PM, Backes J.M., Ruisinger JF, Schmelzle K, He J, Dutton JA. “Apple Pectin for the Reduction of Niacin-Induced Flushing”. Journal of Clinical Lipidology (in press)
Backes J.M., Dayspring T, Mieras T, Moriarty PM. “Pseudohypertriglyceridemia: Two Cases of Probably Glycerol Kinase Deficiency”. Journal of Clinical Lipidology 2012;6:469-473.
Backes J.M., Gibson CA, Ruisinger JF, Moriarty PM. “The High-Dose Rosuvastatin Once Weekly Study (HD-ROWS)”. Journal of Clinical Lipidology 2012; 6:362-367
Backes J.M., Gibson CA, Ruisinger JF, Moriarty PM. “Modified-Policosanol Does Not Reduce Plasma Lipoproteins in Hyperlipidemic Patients When Used Alone or in Combination with Statin Therapy”. Lipids 2011;46:923-929
Backes J.M., Howard PA, Ruisinger JF, Moriarty PM. “Does Simvastatin Cause More Myotoxicity Compared to Other Statins?” Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2009;43:2012-2020
Ruisinger JF, Backes JM, Gibson CA, Moriarty PM. "Once-a-Week Rosuvastatin (2.5 to 20 mg) in Patients with a Previous Statin Intolerance". American Journal of Cardiology 2009;103:393-394
Backes J.M., Venero CV, Gibson CA, Ruisinger JF, Howard PA, Thompson PD, Moriarty PM. “Effectiveness and Tolerability of Every Other Day Rosuvastatin Dosing in Patients with Prior Statin Intolerance” Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2008;42:341-346
Selected Presentations —
- “Life in a Lipid-Specialty Clinic”. Key Note Address for the 2012 Greater Omaha Pharmacy Residency Banquet. Creighton University, Omaha, NE, June 14th, 2012
- “Apple-pectin and its ability to reduce niacin-induced flushing”. The European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, Milan, Italy, May 26-27, 2012
- “Interdisciplinary Research in a Clinical Setting: From Fruits to Nuts, alternative methods in treating atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia”. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds (CE). University of Kansas Medical Center. August 10th, 2011
- (Co-presented with Patrick Moriarty, MD and Janelle F. Ruisinger PharmD)
- “High-Dose Rosuvastatin Once Weekly Study” (HD-ROWS). American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session. New Orleans, LA, April 3rd, 2011
- “Interdisciplinary Research in a Clinical Setting: The Use of Multiple Disciplines in The Atherosclerosis and LDL-apheresis Center”. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds (CE). University of Kansas Medical Center. January 13th, 2010
- (Co-presented with Patrick Moriarty, MD)
- “Once Weekly Statin Therapy Effective and Well-Tolerated in Patients with a Prior Statin Intolerance” (Invited Platform Presentation). 14th World Congress on Heart Disease. The International Academy of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions. Toronto, ON, CA, July 27th, 2008
Awards & Honors —
- Rho Chi Teaching Award, University of Kansas School of Pharmacy (2010)
- Preceptor of the Year, University of Kansas School of Pharmacy (2000, 2001, and 2008)
- Department Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Kansas School of Pharmacy (2005)
- First Place Poster Award - Encore Poster Presentation “Evaluation of Associations Between Body Mass Index and Serum Vitamin D Levels”. Kansas Council of Health-System Pharmacist Annual Meeting. Lawrence, KS (April 2nd, 2011)
- Best Research Poster, “Diabetes Care Quality for Kansans with Physical & Developmental Disabilities”, Kansas Public Health Conference 2008, Topeka, KS (September 17th, 2008)
- Finalist Best Poster Competition – 2nd Runner Up, “Once Weekly Statin Therapy Effective and Well-Tolerated in Patients with a Prior Statin Intolerance”, American College of Clinical Pharmacy Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (April 8th, 2008)
Memberships —
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- National Lipid Association
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy (College of Pharmacy Liaison)