Harold N. Godwin Leadership Legacy Award

The Award
The Harold N. Godwin Leadership Legacy Award recognizes outstanding leadership and contributions to the profession of pharmacy by alumni and friends of the KU residency training programs.
The University of Kansas Hospital and the University of Kansas School of Pharmacy offer five residency programs: Health System Pharmacy Administration/Masters (PGY2), Drug Information (PGY2), Oncology Pharmacy (PGY2), Pharmacy (PGY1) and Community Pharmacy (PGY1).
The Harold N. Godwin Leadership Legacy Award is presented annually at a luncheon held in conjunction with the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting each December. The honoree is later invited to the KU campuses in the spring for a leadership lecture to current residents, students, and metropolitan health care practitioners.
The Legacy
The Harold N. Godwin Leadership Legacy encompasses those residents trained at the KU Medical Center and those residents currently being trained by former KU residents.
KU Legacy Residency Programs include those programs offered at: University of North Carolina Hospitals and Clinics; Blount Memorial Hospital (TN); Froedtert Hospital (WI); Cleveland Clinic, Lawrence Memorial Hospital (KS); Tufts Medical Center (MA); Kansas City Veterans Affairs Medical Center (MO); University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics; MUSC Medical Center (SC); Baylor Medical Center (TX); Mayo Clinic-Rochester (MN); Shands at the University of Florida; The Methodist Hospital System (TX); Denver Health Medical Center; and at Oregon Health Sciences Hospital.
Past Recipients
Past Recipients | Year |
Leigh Anne Scott | 2019 |
Ross Thompson | 2018 |
Steve Ross | 2017 |
Scott J. Knoer | 2016 |
Kate Farthing | 2015 |
Rick Couldry | 2014 |
Richard D. Caldwell | 2013 |
Steven Cano | 2012 |
Jeanne Rucker Ezell | 2011 |
Paul W. Jungnickel | 2010 |
David W. Henry | 2009 |
Michael D. Sanborn | 2008 |
Joyce A. Generali | 2007 |
Bruce E. Scott | 2006 |
Sara J. White | 2005 |
Harold N. Godwin | 2004 |